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Victoria Wragg - the Artist"Part of Conrad's Place"A further drill down to show the incredible detail in Conrad's Place

Victoria Wragg's Artist’s Statement

V Wragg Studio promotes and sells the art and images created by successful international artist Victoria Wragg.

I have been truly fortunate to live and travel around the world from a young age. This experience has broadened my mind to the many different cultures and ways of life. I currently reside in beautiful British Columbia.

I also have a strong educational training in the Visual Arts, including a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of Illinois . I have always painted and drawn since I was a child going through a realistic nature phase, followed by faces and figures, to my abstract period, prior to evolving into my present more semi-abstract expressionist style.

My inspiration comes from a strong sense of joy and wonder for this world we live in. I  love colour, light and texture, and through my creations just want to remind people that we live in a miraculous world filled with beauty and mystery. My unique style reflects a sense of playful whimsy and imagination.

A look at the art work shows a balance of brilliant colour, loosely painted areas contrasting with fine detail, patterns with open space and varying textures. They are about balance and harmony. I enjoy the challenge of making a painting work and balance. They evoke a feeling of beauty, peace and joy. Each time you view the paintings, you make a new discovery of something that you have not seen before (i.e. dogs, cats, caterpillars, mice in "Dogs").

My artwork rarely is consciously planned, a creation that grows and takes a willingness to be bold to complete. I am inspired by the beauty of a simple thing like the incredible colours in layers of wet seaweed on a beach, shells, and the warm smell of blackberries hanging in the air in August ("Summer").

The multitude of colours (violet, blues, yellows, pinks, whites, greys and greens) in a single daisy ("Spring").

On the left you can see parts of one of my favourite (and best selling) paintings. "Conrad's Place" was created outdoors during an Artist's Retreat at my brother's home in Illinois, U.S.A. It was hot and humid, I could see luscious shades of all types of greens when I looked down his vast garden towards the pond surrounded by large trees. I had also been reading books on one of my brother's favourite topics - meteorites. I was struck by the beauty of the crystalline structure seen through a microscope of chondrules (see lower left picture). These elements with the bricks of his home became this beautiful painting.

My images have a strong “feel good” factor and would beautify homes, offices, hospitals and corporations. Previous clients have been both corporate and individuals.


Photography and Paintings by Victoria Wragg, © 2008 . All rights reserved.
Website created by Vicky Wragg.


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